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technology of the future: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

Sunday, March 12, 2023


 he current publication makes available the results of that survey, highlighting the main IT products offered by companies with 20 or more employed persons, the exports conducted by destination country and the most important economic sectors covered by the companies surveyed. The results come with analyses on the general characteristics of IT services for the country and on their basic structural characteristics, regarding three approaches: size of the companies, according to the gross revenue and subsidies; diversification of products and services produced; and main activity, according to the National Classification of Economic Activities – CNAE 2.0.

Information Technology Law - 5th Edition - Uta Kohl - Andrew Charles

DescriptionThe Survey of Information Technology Services, conducted by IBGE in 2009, in partnership with the Association for Brazilian Software Excellence Promotion – SOFTEX, had the purposes of knowing and measuring the main products (except for the production of hardware by the industrial sector) offered by the Information Technology (IT) companies. The rationale is to provide an updated scenario of this market potential, regarding offer, and assist, as well, in the elaboration of a National Classification of Products for the services sector. The current publication makes available the results of that survey, highlighting the main IT products offered by companies with 20 or more employed persons, the exports conducted by destination country and the most important economic sectors covered by the companies surveyed. The results come with analyses on the general characteristics of IT services for the country and on their basic structural characteristics, regarding three approaches: size of the companies, according to the gross revenue and subsidies; diversification of products and services produced; and main activity, according to the National Classification of Economic Activities – CNAE 2.0. The publication includes technical notes on the methodology of the survey, with focus on sampling, representativeness and information collection aspects. The CD-ROM, which comes with the survey, reproduces the printed volume. This statistics set assists in the comprehension of the sector. Private stakeholders can make in-depth market analyses, know IT services characteristics and identify their main destinations, in the internal and external markets. Public stakeholders can develop policies towards the increase of productivity and efficiency.  

*O conteúdo publicado neste portal representa exclusivamente a opinião de seus autores e não necessariamente a posição da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação – SBC, seus colaboradores e associados. A SBC poderá adotar a qualquer tempo, e sem a necessidade de prévio aviso, a cobrança de uso e disponibilização da plataforma e seu conteúdo para não associados.

LEPI The Computer Teaching and Research Laboratories (LEPI) are formed by a set of facilities equipped with state-of-the-art microinformatics resources, with access to the local network, the school's academic systems and the internet, and are available to students for research purposes, works and studies. The Laboratories are also used in hands-on classes, simulation exercises, games, group works, web-based testing, EAD content, and other applications where the computer network plays a relevant role in learning. Click here for additional informations.

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